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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • It’s not odd when you take into account that the United States was founded with slavery of an entire race as a feature and a culture constantly fighting against the rights and privileges of non-white-males at every single juncture.

    This nation is founded on stolen land (just like Mexico) then the English and French and Spaniards systematically ran them off their original land and murderized them, then the English brought in more foreigners to subjugate instead.

    All to say, this country is founded on immense inhumane violence and we give everyone guns as a response.

    But ya know, gotta fly that confederate flag and be simultaneously pro federal oversight and anti federal oversight because brain-rotted-American-racist. (This is rhetorical, not a personal slight at you, op)

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSteam
    16 days ago

    I heard a tale that that woman was not an actor but in fact some local resident who was waylaid by the filming of that scene so she was compensated by getting to deliver that line. No idea of the validity but an interesting tidbit if true.

  • She could run for a state house position, for congress, for governor. She is instead making a small amount of noise for a small amount of stupid people who think her candidacy means anything other than bleeding a small amount of votes from the candidate that actually has a chance to win in a race that is between the continuation of American democracy or its cessation.

    Yes the two party system is a problem, but the presidential race is not where that problem is solved, local elections are; but there’s no way to grift people at a national level in small elections.

  • Stein is not ever going to win the presidency and her running is an active campaign for Trump, full stop. If the Green Party was a serious political entity they would be running down ballot candidates before just running one charlatan for president.

    That being said; this is a Newsweek article so I question any validity to it. I have been asked to respond to a poll if I would be voting for Harris and I actively chose not to because I didn’t like the sassy bullshit language used in the text. Polls are useless bullshit.

  • Who cares?

    Censorship is a problem when it is a political state with armed military force to back it up and disappear individuals for unsanctioned speech.

    This is a free-to-use, volunteer-run website —if you are posting shit and it’s consistently censored (read: deleted) then you might be the problem.

    People these days are deranged in their notion of what free speech and censorship means—you do not have a legal right to post the most egregious shit to a privately run website and not face consequences from that private entity. Also, no one’s cutting out your tongue. Feel free to go out on the street and spout whatever shit you want.