• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • What you have is shitty slogans and zero thought. You’re a trumpet for NRA propaganda and you’re too dumb to even realise it.

    The whole “security for liberty” shit you’re referring to? Actually means the exact opposite of what you’re trying to say.


    SIEGEL: So far from being a pro-privacy quotation, if anything, it’s a pro-taxation and pro-defense spending quotation.

    WITTES: It is a quotation that defends the authority of a legislature to govern in the interests of collective security. It means, in context, not quite the opposite of what it’s almost always quoted as saying but much closer to the opposite than to the thing that people think it means.

    Now which is a more real risk to the collective security of Americans, daily mass shootings or some fantasy where the government is “coming to take muh guns” and you end up living in some hills fighting a guerrilla fight against a military made up of your fellow nationals?

    Gee, idk, should we ask the kids who survived Sandy Hook how they feel about it? (They’re old enough to vote now.)

  • You’re not supposed to sit on the motor, my man.

    Youre supposed to put it in a frame of some sort.

    Now I definitely agree with the point you’re making, but unless you’re like 300+ kgs, 500w should be fine for personal transport.

    I had one board with a 500w engine that went 63km/h with a full battery and my ~75 kg of mass on it. It didn’t have much torque, though, but it was fast. On the other hand, these rentable e-scooters we have, have like 350W engines and are limited in speed to 25kmh, but have amazing torque, even my brother can get up steep hills on those, and he’s genuinely 1.5x the man I am, size wise (at least). Hills that my 500w fast scoot didn’t manage with me on it.

    So it’s not just the raw power output of the engine which matters, is my point.

    Personally I think we need a framework paradigm shift. I know it would require a ton, worldwide, but just like how pedestrians got sidewalks in the early 20th century when cars took over the roads, we now need another split again. In that there should be three lanes, pedestrian, light vehicles, then actual road.

    With like a small escoot and a bike you could still use pedestrian ways as well, but any faster or larger e-transports could have their own lane to use. Small e-cars as well. No power limits, but some sort of little regulation.

  • That’s not a “life-debt” as much as it’s just regular insurance debt.

    The same logic would apply in western countries, but the practice we have make it less likely you’d get away with murder so actually driving over someone to kill them on purpose after an accidental crash isn’t quite as common as in China.

    Nothing to do with “saved your life so now I’m now responsible for it”.