• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Civ VI instead of Civ V? List automatically invalid.

    Jokes aside it’s an interesting list and I like the idea of ranking based on “what’s best to play right now” instead of by historical significance or some futile attempt at objective apples-to-apples quantification - even though at the end of the day I think I neither agree with the selection nor the ranking. But there are plenty of good games on there with solid reasons of why to play them in their descriptions, so it’s a good read nonetheless.

  • Is she? She’s ignoring way too much of his bullshit instead of dismissively calling him out on it. I don’t think she’s losing but I wouldn’t be surprised if this debate ends up getting called a draw by lots of outlets. Now, part of that is down to ABC, but Trump is being allowed to bulldoze both her and the moderators, and too many of his lies are left unanswered by either her or the moderators.

  • They’re letting Trump get away with murder here. I expected nothing but am still disappointed. He’s basically running with a hot mic while Kamala has to wait for her turn. Unbelievable.

    Unsurprisingly he’s also bulldozing the hosts in typical fashion. They at least seem to occasionally try some pushback against him, but they seem woefully incapable of actually controlling him.

  • Been playing a lot ofDeadlock still, finally getting a grasp of how to play it feels like. Took a while to understand priorities and what to focus on and how to execute builds. Still held back a bit by my aim, but found enough ability-based heroes to still be able to perform. It’s a very fun game! I can’t play too many games in a row because it gets intense and stressful, but I’m really enjoying it.

    I’ve also been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the first time as something more relaxing and story based. It’s been alright so far. Don’t think it’s been hitting the heights of the original Deus Ex so far, but it’s enjoyable enough.

  • My take after interacting with him is that he’s taking pleasure in dancing around the rules of the community and being “technically correct” in adhering to the rules, while instigating heated discussions in others. With how often he brings up the civility rule I also wouldn’t be surprised if he takes pleasure in manoeuvring others into overstepping and consequently reporting them.

    I don’t personally believe he’s following the “good faith discussion” rule since he’s demonstrated repeated refusal to consider facts (such as his personal “belief” that the spoiler effect doesn’t exist), but I’m not a mod here.