• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I had to laugh about everything in their description.

    Also, you always have to translate wingnut to normalspeak. When they talk about liberty of any kind, they are referring to the Southern type of liberty, not the Northern. Same goes for lots of words they use, they have their own version of what they mean - freedom of speech, patriotism, and so on. Just like the way the Nazis viewed things like “peace” - they meant the apparent peace that would result once all the “undesirables” were murdered by the Nazis and there was no more struggle against fascism. So their version of “peace” meant hell on Earth for virtually everyone, including their own people, because of all the resulting (probably endless) war that their “peace” would require…

  • I really hate our electoral college system. Giving undue privilege to certain regions, most especially rural areas, is exceedingly stupid and just holds this country back so very much. It’d be one thing if more weight was given to the areas that the most going for them - as far as GDP/brain power/influence and so on. But instead, it’s the opposite.

    Apologists for the slavery-era holdover that is the EC will say “but the candidates will just mostly go to big cities” - yeah, NO KIDDING. That’s where the fucking people are. That’s who the government serves. Not land. Right now the candidates mostly campaign in “battleground states” because of the stupid and backward EC. Instead of trying to get the most votes across the entire nation.


    Our Senate and House are not that much better than the way we choose Presidents, either. The population of states is not given proper consideration, even for the House.

  • The teabaggers were just more of the same people from the hatriot radio and black helicopter stuff from the 90s when they were selling each other tapes on Waco and the like, all pissed off about Ruby Ridge and stocking up on MREs and guns and ammo.

    And that crap was just a rehash of the Birchers. And I’m sure the Birchers had their crazy unhinged precursors, too…the crazy unhinged bullshit on the xtianist nationalist fringe has been around for a long, long time.

    I used to point and laugh at the dumbphucks that talk about how “your SSN is the number of the beast, don’t use it for anything but the few cases the law requires it, yadda yadda” and now these very same assholes have a real chance of getting a dickhead like donnie with Project 2025 at the ready to enact a lot of their crazy, crazy agendas to inflict on the rest of us.