The local Polish grocery store has a selection of eastern European herbal teas, herbs which I’d never heard of, and it’s such an interesting experience in tea. One is a type of moss and it makes such pale tea, it’s so unusual. I’m loving trying them all.
I also love lemongrass spearmint tea, and rooibos and honey bush teas from South Africa which a friend sends me.
I work with doctors who are probably the most well educated people in the world, and I have lost esteem of their intellect for several of them for an assortment of reasons, largely COVID related:
Also nurses. Why are so many nurses so shitty? Even beyond the antivax ones, I know nurses who would steal insulin to euthanize animals at home (which is NOT humane), nurses who said about a suicide victim “Well she got what she wanted”, nurses who showed me pictures in the act of threesomes, nurses who stole anesthesia meds for sleeping, nurses who ended up in relationships with patients, and nurse managers who I’m quite convinced were sociopaths, who told one of the clerks that she was a body at a desk and easily replaced.
I realize we’re all human but fuck it’s awful how many of them are perfect idiots.
I have every social account attached to an email nobody has. It’s just a good habit really.
My SO was hospitalized 18 months ago and had to use one of those. He also has prostate hypertrophy so urinates slowly as it is, and also was in diabetic ketoacidosis so was on IV fluids and insulin, and basically he spent a lot of time holding his dick in a jug really having to pee but taking forever.
The wide berth I don’t care about, although mostly it’s still pretty normal to see masks in hospitals, but some creep in a Fuck Trudeau shirt reeeeeeing at me about it on the bus I could live without. I always make sure to wear earbuds and just pretend I can’t hear them.
Oh SARS was awful. I felt for you guys.
Ooh I like that.
It was absolutely the best. Before the Russian government ate it that is. I made the best friends there.
I also work with patients who have to get vaccines you’ve never heard of just to stay alive. Immunocompromise is pretty serious, I could not feel right if I infected them by being careless.
My coworker had 15 relatives die of COVID in India pre vaccine. Attending fifteen virtual funerals should be something these freaks are forced to do.
Very plausible in my opinion. Probably like white people who don’t like hijabs.
Because I read medical journals like this and I feel the most protection is the best way to go about life.
Haha one day I sat next to a woman on the bus and she looked at me and moved seats. Well think what you like.
This answer makes the most sense.
Immunity wanes after 3-4 months. It’s not long lasting.
I think I’ll wear one in my casket just to continue to piss them off.
When I go to bed and my dog shoves himself under the covers and tucks himself in the crook of my knees. Or when he rests his chin on my ankle.
Austria. I’d love to live in Vienna. It’s so gorgeous and such a great city.
I don’t do shit for two days a week.
Oh, not true at all. I have a fake white supremacist Facebook account and I befriend Nazis, and I assure you these people are all terrible psychopaths.