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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I definitely didn’t grow up in North America. And the culture in which I live, gender equality may be more prevalent.

    I’m not a stranger to the idiom of picking on someone your own size. Thing is, though: I don’t think anyone should be picking on anybody else, at all.

    While I don’t disagree that there are physiological differences between men and women, jumping to the conclusion, that women can’t handle themselves, is just propagating the sexual stereotypes of our past generations, which has lead to women being considered weak and by extension thereof worth less than men.

    Women are not weak by default, but keep telling a girl that she’s not able to do the same things as the boys, keep telling the girl to wear pink dresses and keep her hair long, keep telling her to play with dolls and let her bother’s matchbox cars and BB gun be. Keep telling her, that good girls don’t play wild games, and that little girl will start to believe you more than she believes in herself.

    Through my job I’ve gotten know female carpenters, painters, electricians, machinists, mechanics, butchers, truck drivers, and smiths. All trades typically considered to be male trades, but these young women I’ve met, have been as motivated, as big assets for their employers, and as hard working, as their male colleagues.

    Telling a woman that you won’t hit her, no matter what she does to you, is keeping her down, locked into that inane stereotypical gender role.

    And if you don’t buy my shoelace analogy, then how about this: a guy tells you “oh no, I wouldn’t dream of hitting you, not under any circumstance. You’re too weak and defenseless, it wouldn’t be fair.” How would you like that? I’d bet you’d like that guy to fuck right off with his superior attitude.

  • What your wife has been through is beyond my imagination. I’m sure she’s been through a lot of bullshit, for no other reason than being a woman. Her memories, and how she feels about it, is 100% valid. Normally that should go without saying, but in this thread I’m not sure that it does.

    I refuse to consciously treat women differently than men. Treating women like fragile little fairy like beings, is doing them a disservice. That the soldier at Arlington was a woman is irrelevant to me, unless she was attacked because of her gender.

    How the Trump staff got away with what they did is baffling to me. That they didn’t get their asses stomped can only mean that the soldier was alone and outnumbered. And that she has to live in fear now, that’s absurd, not implausible, but the situation is definitely absurd. Your country is rife with domestic terrorists and yet your government does nothing. Whether someone should get charged for attacking army personal should not be up to the individual. If you attack army personal carrying out their duties, then that should be met with swift and effective sanctions, not frigging threats of further terrorism.

  • Maybe you want gender inequality, but I don’t. The idea that you’re not supposed to defend yourself if a woman attacks you, is based on what? Your motivation is your upbringing, if I understand you correctly, but where is the idea from? The people who raised you must have gotten it from somewhere.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that somewhere down the line, that idea stems from the “women are fragile and weak, and need protection”-story. Even if it doesn’t stem from this, then that’s how it can be perceived. Women are not necessarily weak, but treating women like they’re less capable than men is amplifying that image, in the minds of both genders. Which can end up with women actually believing the story themselves.

    So even if you have all the best intentions, which I’m sure you have, you’re still doing women in general a disservice. Treat women like equals, and they’ll eventually believe in it.

    Imagine being told that you probably couldn’t tie your own shoelaces because you’re a guy, and every time you put on your shoes, a woman would come running up and insist on tieing them for you. And if you somehow managed to get to tie them yourself, then every woman you met was second guessing you. It seems absurd, right? It’s kinda the same thing, except for tieing shoes it’s random things, that may or may not require physical strength.

    The idea of not protecting women, and being sick of being cuddled, is not that new. I mean Gwen Stefani wrote a song about it in 96 https://genius.com/No-doubt-just-a-girl-lyrics

  • That she’s a woman makes it that much worse.

    Why? An army professional were carrying out their duties, and as a result thereof got assaulted by representatives of the leading law and order candidate. The army professional chose not to press charges but still lives in fear of the law and order loving patriots affection for domestic terrorism.

    I don’t see how the gender makes it worse.

  • From what I can gather, the proposed battery will have a capacity of 8.5GWh with a nominal output of 85MW. But it can store 85MW (not MWh) for 100 hours? Either that article is written by someone who doesn’t really know what they’re relaying, or that’s some serious standby power dissipation.

    Anybody here who passed high school physics and have some insights?