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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I want you to be right, but I’m not so sure anymore.

    For example, yesterday I was having a good discussion over on !asklemmy@lemmy.world about how terrible the media bias fact checker bot is, and when we started talking about the fact that it feels like there must be some kind of sponsorship deal involved, the mods removed the post. They cited a rule that the discussion absolutely didn’t break. So, it appears we’re free to talk about anything we want on Lemmy, unless a particular mod starts to feel sad or offended, or wants to hide something from the rest of us, and then they behave like anyone else with power and act unilaterally regardless of the ideals of the platform.

    Oh, and it says a lot about how mods feel about an otherwise benign issue, when they remove all discussion of it. A sponsorship deal was only a guess, no one knew if that was true for sure, but when the mods deleted the discussion it made me convinced we were onto something. So, that kind of backfired.

    To anyone who saw that yesterday, it made me furious. I almost quit Lemmy entirely. If we can’t be critical of mod decisions without fear of all our content being deleted by said mods, then this place is not worth my time. I’m going to stick around to see if things improve, but I’m frankly not optimistic.

  • I’ll be honest, I looked at this with the intention of poking holes, but that was a surprisingly thorough article on researchers doing a year-long study trying to figure out practical uses for AI. I for one am still not convinced there’s a practical or truly ethical use at the moment, but I’m glad to see researchers trying. Their results were decidedly mixed, and I still think all the trade-offs don’t work in our favor at the moment, but this was a surprisingly balanced article with a fair amount of subtly on an issue than needs to be examined critically. They admitted that hallucinations are still a huge wildcard that no one knows how to deal with, which is rare. The headline is dumb, but because of how skeptical and distrustful I am of this massive AI bubble, I’m glad there are still researchers putting in the work to figure this shit out.

  • I would tend to agree. I feel the same way about Amazon Logistics. The whole packaging and delivery side of Amazon should be brought under the USPS so every driver gets a fair wage and job protections. USPS already delivers so much of their stuff anyway, and Amazon shouldn’t be in control of the marketplace and the whole shipping process and infrastructure.

    OpenAI is relying on all of human knowledge to build their product, regardless of whether or not it falls under copyright protection, so while the government doesn’t need more power, it’s still probably the best positioned to regulate this stuff, and that’d be much easier if they had direct control.

  • Because it does its job terribly. It provides inaccurate information when it would be faster for any one of us to just do a search for ourselves. And when it can’t figure out a source, it still spams the post, instead of just staying out of it. There has been widespread opposition to the bot existing at all, from day one, and the mods seem to have ignored all of us who say the bot sucks and only gets in the way.

    It also has links to ground.news baked into it, despite that site being pretty useless from what I can tell. I get strong sponsorship vibes, and we don’t need that crap on Lemmy.

    I didn’t like the bots on Reddit, and I don’t like the bots on Lemmy.

  • For those who don’t know (there are probably a few) Bernie is Jewish, and his opinions better reflect the rest of us Jews than the crazies on the right (and left) and in Israel. I don’t have stats, but every American Jew I’ve talked to about this has been morally outraged and frankly mortified by Israel’s actions. We understand how it looks to the rest of the world. Don’t let the antisemitism arguments (usually pushed by Christians btw) fool you. Bernie is on the right side of this issue, as usual.

  • Hospitals and healthcare workers are not getting enough scrutiny on this issue. Ultimately, the fault lies with Trump and the Supreme Court. They made the policy change which has led to the preventable deaths of women. But it’s also true that it is a doctor’s job to help people, and waiting until women are near death to provide treatment because they fear legal exposure is antithetical to the job that every reasonable person expects them to do.

    I understand that being a doctor is hard, and that they are faced with incredibly difficult decisions every day. But if a woman is bleeding out in front of you, it’s literally your job to try to save her, immediately. Waiting for her to get worse, for even a minute, is immoral and not what patients expect of their doctors.