Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2023


  • I can think of a couple of uses. Well, basically just one use. You could hide posts that cause distress for whatever reason. For example, I hate snakes and if someone posted a neat picture of a snake I’d probably hide it, just so I don’t have to keep seeing the same post and jump scaring myself with a picture of a snake while scrolling. Another example might be a thread in which people are arguing and you don’t want to get dragged into the argument. I actually literally did this earlier today with a thread where people were yet again arguing about the upcoming US election and whether voting Biden is a reasonable choice. I’ve read this argument so many times and it’s so tempting to jump in and be an asshole to someone who is wrong and I just don’t want to do that today, so better to hide the post so I don’t keep seeing it while scrolling.

    So yeah, you can hide posts you don’t want to keep running across while scrolling for whatever reason. Seems like a pretty useful feature to me, I’m glad we have it now.

  • For years I used vanilla vim before finally switching to spacemacs like 4 years ago. I’ve never used neovim, because it just didn’t seem stable and mature enough before I switched to spacemacs and at this point I’m happy with spacemacs and will probably stick with it for the foreseeable future.

    My issue with vim, and the reason I switched, is that vimscript was an absolute nightmare. I was doing easy stuff, writing LaTeX, but getting vim to compile LaTeX and talk to my pdf reader (as you need if you’re going to be working with LaTeX in any kind of serious way) took way too much configuration and my setup would break fairly often as well. Spacemacs is significantly easier. I was shocked when I went from “I’ve never used spacemacs before” to “I’m comfortably writing LaTeX here” in about half an hour. My setup still breaks occasionally and sometimes it’s a bit difficult to figure out why and how to fix it, but it’s much easier than vim was, that’s for sure.

    I also just like the emacs workflow. I like helm, I like being able to change how the editor works on the fly just by writing some elisp anywhere, I like how easy it is to access the documentation on functions, variables, keybindings, whatever else you might need. I like org-mode. I like that emacs has been around for decades and will be around for decades more.

    I’d never heard of doomemacs. I’m pretty happy with spacemacs so I probably won’t switch, but I’ll at least read about it some more.