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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I agree with the effects you’re seeing but not the cause.

    Women’s liberation changed how women are presented in society. It fundamentally changed what it means to be a woman.

    Men never went through that. At the moment, we sorta can’t. If I were to create a “men’s liberation" group, it would quickly be taken over by Incels. Hard-core feminists would also stir up a fuss that this group was exclusionary to them. So we are kind of stuck.

    Manhood needs to be redefined, because many of the classic male role definitions no longer apply. men can be sensitive where historically they’ve been expected to be stoic. Men can raise children when classically they have been breadwinners while the women raise children.

    I think these are all great changes, but we haven’t been able to redefine manhood in the same way that the feminists were able to redefine womanhood.

    I don’t have a good answer, we are somewhat handcuffed by the expectation to fulfil classic roles, along with new expectations to be more modern feminist-aware, sensitive men. The two are not compatible enough to make for a nice midpoint.