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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I think you’re a little off on the “we need to fix this world” guys.

    Although zombie films / TV series lean heavily into the action side of things, that’s just because it’s more entertaining than watching people building things, developing tech, doing scientific research.

    Remember with COVID 19? Huge numbers of people immediately set out to find a cure, inventing and deploying ways to prevent and monitor the spread, creating pop-in treatment centres, etc.

  • Apepollo11@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAny ideas?
    16 days ago

    It’s the money-men making the decisions now, instead of people who actually care about the product.

    Mind you, this isn’t sustainable - by shifting to the more “luxury” end of the hobby, and their refusal to embrace emerging technology, they’re creating huge gaps in the market for exploitation.

    They’re on the verge of Nokia-ing themselves out of market dominance.

  • Apepollo11@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAny ideas?
    17 days ago


    The initial buy-in, especially at a Games Workshop/ Warhammer store is astronomical.

    You’ll need paintbrushes to start - here, try these, the most expensive paintbrushes you’ll ever buy. And paints too, how about our mindboggling range of expensive paints?

    When I took up mini painting again as an adult, with dirt-cheap acrylic paints and brushes, and achieved far better results than I ever did as a kid with the “proper” stuff, it was a real eye-opener.

  • Overhangs were the biggest issue I found. So much so that I moved back to a 0.4 after a month of faff trying to find settings that would compensate.

    I use my printer mainly for minis, and figures that would print supportless on the 0.4 nozzle needed huge amounts of supports at 0.2 in order to print without missing chins etc.

    That said, the level of detail that I could achieve was better, particularly on the hair, but not enough to compensate for all of the extra faff and wasted plastic.

  • At the very simplest, you can just overlap things in the slicer without Blender.

    If you want to learn about Blender’s Sculpt mode, you can just Google “Blender Sculpt mode tutorial”. For convenience, try to use the most recent results, as the interface can be slightly different in older versions.

    Sculpt mode effectively allows you to alter the models as if they were made of clay or plasticine.

    A lot of the tutorials will be showing how to make things from scratch, but what’s important is that you see how the tools work.

    Once you have everything overlapping the way you want, you can join the using a Boolean operation. You’ll want to use a “union” operation.

  • To avoid the gaps you can line them up with an overlap.

    You can adjust the vertices of the model slightly to help facilitate this. The most natural-feeling way to do it in Blender is by using the Sculpt mode.

    You can use a Boolean addition operation to then make the two models a single piece of geometry. Or not bother (if you are printing on FDM or at 100% infill in resin, it won’t really hurt either way).

  • That’s not wrong at all, but there is a much more recent Adam and Eve - an actual anatomically modern human woman and man that all of us are descended from (although, again, they probably lived about 100,000 years apart - I.e. they weren’t a couple)

    It should also be stressed that I’m not saying that at one point there was only one woman alive or one man alive.

    Mitochondrial DNA isn’t like the usual inherited mix of DNA - instead it’s passed down directly from mothers to their children. If they have girls, then it’ll be passed down to their children too. If they only have boys, though, then that mitochondrial DNA has come to a dead end. Basically it’s matrilineal - it passes down the female line.

    The same with the Y Chromosome. Fathers pass the Y chromosome to their sons. If they only have daughters, well it’s come to a dead end. It’s patrilineal - it passes down the male line.

    DNA analysis shows that all of our mitochondrial DNA is shockingly similar - especially compared to many other animals. Rolling back the clock (by accounting for the tiny random mutations that occur over time) shows that everyone converges to a single person around 155,000 years ago. Before modern humans, as a species, had expanded out of Africa and spread across the world.

    Interestingly, especially so if looking for biblical comparisons, the Y-chromosomal Adam can be traced to around 100,000 years earlier than Mitochondrial Eve - so he did appear first.

    So, the next question might be, “if anatomically modern humans existed for at least 100,000 years before the Mitochondrial Eve, what happened to all the other mitochondria variants - why did we end up with only one?”

    That is simply a numbers game. Compared to many other animals, humans only have relatively few children in their lifetime. This keeps small populations from exploding suddenly, but it also increases the likelihood of only having boys (and stopping that line of Mitochondrial DNA).

    You can map it out on a piece of paper:

    Get five different coloured pens and a black pen.

    Across the top of the page, draw dot in each coloured pen, with a black one beside it. The coloured dots are female, the black ones male). These are the parents.

    Now for the kids. Toss a coin twice - heads for a boy (draw a dot in black pen beneath the parents), tails for a girl (draw a dot the same colour as the mum). Do this for all.

    Now pair up the offspring and carry on.

    You’ll find very quickly, one colour will start to dominate the paper. This represents the Mitochondrial DNA.

  • I’m not sure - just think…

    Within less than thirty years there has been:

    A sudden massive increase in the number of people who believe the MMR vaccine causes autism.

    A global pandemic that large numbers of people: Swear didn’t happen, or Was artificially created, or Was a hoax to encourage people to have vaccines that contain something sinister.

    Widespread demonisation of an entire religion.

    A sharp increase in people who don’t believe the holocaust happened.

    A baffling increase in people who believe the Earth is flat.

    In short, people are stupid and surprisingly willing to believe nonsense, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

    Were the Jedi actually magical? Nah it was just propaganda by a corrupt council. It was all special effects - seriously, a sword against blasters? Wake up, sheeple.

  • Apepollo11@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCongregation
    5 months ago

    You have to remember that America’s political spectrum is skewed heavily to the right.

    ‘Liberals’ only appear left-wing because your centre ground is much further to the right than many other developed countries.

    In other countries ‘Liberals’ occupy the centre ground, with the left and right wings on either side.

  • Disclaimer: I’m making absolutely no political commentary here - my brain just likes playing pattern spotting games…

    The groups of three images to the side of the lower red box and lower green box are also the same as the groups of three immediately above and below the upper red and green boxes.

    Edit: found another four.