Well that didn’t take long. “She” must be watching this thread. Got two in the last hour. Exactly like all the others I’ve seen, though I didn’t analyze all the ridiculous filter-avoiding spaces. Maybe “unique” from that angle, but certainly not “rare.” Blocked the users, reported the spam, and just as soon as Lemmy supports deleting PMs I’ll do that too.
Might be because of your instance. I still haven’t gotten one.
There’s been no evidence of this leading to a scam — romance or otherwise. So, now it’s a theory that this poor woman is most likely not aware and possibly being blackmailed.
I was just memeing but the “rare” part more seriously would be a new photo drop that we haven’t had before. The newest photo is her looking down. All of the photos increasingly look like a hacked feed of a real person who is unaware they’re having their photo taken.
The drive behind collecting information is more from a benevolent stance of trying to warn this real person irl that her likeness is being exploited.
The two I got, the photo looks the same. Not the one with the top of the little bubbler bong visible, the other one, just looking all bored. Looking down, I guess, though since I blocked the users I can’t actually see them anymore now to confirm. They did have the “Dad lost his job, plz send $$$ to this BTC address” bit in them, which appears to be new in the last day or two. So I guess it depends on how you define “scam.” Doesn’t look like a Nigerian 419 or phishing or the like necessarily, but she’s definitely gone straight to just outright asking for money in the PM.
Interesting. Links to a go fund me are theorized to be interlopers or maybe people just using this to try to get money—as it deviates from the original iteration.
Do you happen to know the username? The naming scheme also changed in the past few days when the new asking for money showed up.
nicole## @ two different instances. I don’t remember the numbers nor the instances. Interestingly, I blocked both users, but they don’t show up in my blocked users list in Boost.
I genuinely have no idea what a rare Nicole even is because they’re all the exact same fucking thing. Oh look, here’s what her message looks like in Boost. Hey, here’s what her message looks like in Voyager. Hey have you seen what her message looks like in whatever that one that’s supposed to look like Old Reddit because fuck u/spez but we can still pine for the good old days?
But hey, sure. You know what? If I get a “rare Nicole” - and my assumption here is, like, she comes out as a furry, or sends indisputable proof of the true identity of DB Cooper, then yeah. Sure. I’ll post it.
If it’s a rare Nicole you have to post it that’s the rules now. You have to. Promise if it’s a rare Nicole you’ll post. PROMISE
Well that didn’t take long. “She” must be watching this thread. Got two in the last hour. Exactly like all the others I’ve seen, though I didn’t analyze all the ridiculous filter-avoiding spaces. Maybe “unique” from that angle, but certainly not “rare.” Blocked the users, reported the spam, and just as soon as Lemmy supports deleting PMs I’ll do that too.
Might be because of your instance. I still haven’t gotten one.
There’s been no evidence of this leading to a scam — romance or otherwise. So, now it’s a theory that this poor woman is most likely not aware and possibly being blackmailed.
I was just memeing but the “rare” part more seriously would be a new photo drop that we haven’t had before. The newest photo is her looking down. All of the photos increasingly look like a hacked feed of a real person who is unaware they’re having their photo taken.
The drive behind collecting information is more from a benevolent stance of trying to warn this real person irl that her likeness is being exploited.
The two I got, the photo looks the same. Not the one with the top of the little bubbler bong visible, the other one, just looking all bored. Looking down, I guess, though since I blocked the users I can’t actually see them anymore now to confirm. They did have the “Dad lost his job, plz send $$$ to this BTC address” bit in them, which appears to be new in the last day or two. So I guess it depends on how you define “scam.” Doesn’t look like a Nigerian 419 or phishing or the like necessarily, but she’s definitely gone straight to just outright asking for money in the PM.
Interesting. Links to a go fund me are theorized to be interlopers or maybe people just using this to try to get money—as it deviates from the original iteration.
Do you happen to know the username? The naming scheme also changed in the past few days when the new asking for money showed up.
If not that’s ok. 👌
nicole## @ two different instances. I don’t remember the numbers nor the instances. Interestingly, I blocked both users, but they don’t show up in my blocked users list in Boost.
I genuinely have no idea what a rare Nicole even is because they’re all the exact same fucking thing. Oh look, here’s what her message looks like in Boost. Hey, here’s what her message looks like in Voyager. Hey have you seen what her message looks like in whatever that one that’s supposed to look like Old Reddit because fuck u/spez but we can still pine for the good old days?
But hey, sure. You know what? If I get a “rare Nicole” - and my assumption here is, like, she comes out as a furry, or sends indisputable proof of the true identity of DB Cooper, then yeah. Sure. I’ll post it.
At least it would be OC.