I’ve been suggested Carvana, and I may end up going that way if it is indeed the simplest route.

I’m driving an older car, it’s in many ways in very good condition, but the head gasket is starting to go. It hasn’t gotten bad yet (no coolant in the oil… yet) and could be fixed, but the cost to fix is about three times the value of the vehicle. It’s got relatively low mileage for it’s age and I’ve barely driven it anywhere during the time that I’ve owned it.

I don’t expect to get much for it, maybe a $400-$700 bucks, but I really don’t know the best way to go around it.

Like 15 years ago I would have just listed it with pertinent info on condition and photos on Craigslist. I’m not so sure Craigslist is so viable now.

Thanks for any help you can give me, Lemmy!

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    25 days ago

    I sold a Honda Civic Si that I’d done a k-swap on, and overheated (!!!), about two years ago. I specified in the ad that I hadn’t seen coolant in the oil when I’d changed the oil, and that the a/c compressor failing and killing the serpentine belt was what caused it to overheat. I got more than I expected, esp. for a car with 180,000 miles on the body/transmission. So, for starters, don’t assume that you can only get $700.

    For someone that knows what they’re doing, and has the tools and space to work, a head gasket isn’t usually a big deal, as long as it’s just the head gasket, and not a warped cylinder head. Most of the charges for the repair are labor.

    I agree that FB Marketplace is your best bet. Check the KBB value, and use that as a starting point. Take a lot of photos, make sure that you’re pointing out the known issues. Write a very detailed description, i.e., not “message me for details”; if people ask you shit that you’ve already addressed in the listing, refer them back to the write up. It’s a good way to weed out unserious people. Don’t take the very first offer! You’re likely to get a number of people trying to give you ridiculous low-ball offers. Specify cash-ONLY, as in, no Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, check, money order, cashier’s check, bank draft, or goats. (You can take bitcoin if you’re into that; there’s no way to do a chargeback with BTC once you’ve gotten 3 confirmations.)

    Make sure that you make two receipts, and have them sign both. Check the name against their driver’s license. Remember to remove the license plate. Call your insurance and cancel the policy immediately after the sale. Essentially, you want to CYA so that if they get tickets or crash the car, you aren’t going to be on the hook.