Amazon has been listing products with the title, ‘I’m sorry, I cannot fulfil this request as it goes against OpenAI use policy’::Products have appeared on the platform with odd titles that are seemingly related to OpenAI’s usage policy.

    8 months ago

    Amazon is a marketplace, anyone can create a store and put up items. It’s not really Amazon’s fault that people have BS listings. It’s not reasonable to human-vet every listing. Maybe they could have a better reporting system; idk.

    I’ll push back on this part. They can vet just fine by raising the barrier to entry a bit. They’d have fewer products. There’d be three USB cable vendors instead of 500. That would be OK.

    Leaning into Sturgeon’s Law (“90% of everything is crap”) can be OK in some circumstances. Leave all the gates wide open and let anyone in. Steam is a good example; I find most of my games by word of mouth, and if some shithole asset flipper wants to toss their game up there, I will probably never see it until Steph Sterling points it out.

    I don’t think that can work for Amazon. It’s too much and fraud is rampant.