I will never understand why this sub exists. It’s never interesting, it’s the scum of the Internet occasionally saying shit that isn’t as heinous as you’d expect. Why would I i want to read 4chan shit? Ever?
I will never understand why this guy comments. It’s never interesting, it’s the scum of the Internet occasionally saying shit that isn’t as heinous as you’d expect. Why would I i want to read this guy’s comments? Ever?
I will never understand why this sub exists. It’s never interesting, it’s the scum of the Internet occasionally saying shit that isn’t as heinous as you’d expect. Why would I i want to read 4chan shit? Ever?
I will never understand why this guy comments. It’s never interesting, it’s the scum of the Internet occasionally saying shit that isn’t as heinous as you’d expect. Why would I i want to read this guy’s comments? Ever?