other MAGA strategies
demonize some minority (currently rotates between immigrants, blacks and lgbtq)
use religious brainwashing (e. g. forced birth)
blame the left, whether or not their policies work
claim to fix the economy by making policies that only benefit the rich
sell the country to Russia
sell the country to China
quote Hitler
copy Hitler (yes really)
create a fascist dictatorship (only for one day of course)
Don’t forget their weird hatred of trans people
Very strange to me how they think about them so much. Same thing with the kids.
Yeah, it is bizarre. I’m guessing it is due to fragile masculinity.
nope. its the small brain.
Don’t forget to take credit for the lefts policies when they work. Especially if they voted against it. See the infrastructure policy.
Gaslight Obstruct Project
“wait wait, fake news and then sue others for fake news!”