• volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    More black people in the US have gone through the prison system (you know, the one with actual slave labor) since the Uyghur “genocide” started than Uyghurs ever went through reeducation camps. Harassing boats isn’t imperialism. Fuck intellectual property, especially that of corporations (i.e. stolen from their workers).

    Very telling that the only things you can bring up to the table of Chinese “imperialism” are: a “genocide” which lasted a few years in which nobody was confirmed died, intellectual property violations, and harassing of boats. How is any of that imperialism? Go read a book on what imperialism means.

    • P00ptart@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      The American prison system doesn’t castrate people or do medical experiments on them. And although they do target black people, it’s not just black people.

      I agree with fuck corporations, but they’re stealing money, and technology that gets funneled into Chinas dictatorship. So fuck them too.

      Harassing ships is a big deal, and we’ve gone to war over it. Those 3 countries just don’t have the capability to defend themselves against china, even combined. Not to mention the fake islands they’re making to try to legitimize their claim for territorial waters and shipping lanes that aren’t there’s. Stealing that is just as much imperialism as stealing land. And let’s not forget Taiwan.

      • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        The American prison system doesn’t castrate people or do medical experiments on them

        Neither does the Chinese. There are no reliable reports of any generalized behaviour like this. The amnesty international reports are mostly based on interviews to “anonymous sources”. On the contrary, during the times of the “one child policy” in China, Uyghur were mostly exempt from this as an ethnicity. Again, quite the weird genocide when you force the major ethnicity in the country to have fewer children but exempt others.

        I agree with fuck corporations, but they’re stealing money, and technology that gets funneled into Chinas dictatorship. So fuck them too.

        Funny that you call it “China’s dictatorship”. Sure, China doesn’t have the most democratic system, but where do we have democracy? In the west, most policy routinely goes against the wishes of the majority. Study after study shows that the public opinion of the majority has basically no correlation with the policy applied by the party in power. Examples that come to mind are the lack of socialized healthcare in the US (which about 70% of people support), or the austerity policy in EU countries that defunded healthcare and education after the 2008 crisis. If you look at polls of the level of approval of their government, Chinese people consistently and significantly give higher levels of approval to their government than people from the US or the EU do. Neither system is democratic, it’s just ours pretends more successfully to be so (in the eyes of westerners ofc).

        Harassing ships is a big deal, and we’ve gone to war over it. Those 3 countries just don’t have the capability to defend themselves against china, even combined.

        Good thing then that China, unlike the US, doesn’t have a history of militarism, of massive expenditure in weapons, of usage of their intelligence agencies and military coups to destabilize other regimes, or outright invasion on the other side of the world like Iraq.

        The countries you’ve mentioned have US military bases on their soil. The US literally sails warships between Taiwan and China. Can you imagine the response of the US if China had military bases in Cuba and started to sail warships between the island and Miami??? Again, thankfully, China doesn’t do those things, and it doesn’t enter military alliances with countries like Mexico or Cuba… Unlike the US does with Japan or Taiwan. China doesn’t “invade other countries’ waters”, the US has established a network of vassal states surrounding China by sea, and China very reasonably doesn’t like this. If you call these geopolitical tensions against US allies “imperialism”, again you’re showing me that you either don’t know about the nature of these conflicts, or you dont know about the nature of imperialism.