2 picks for me: Stardew Valley, most boring shit ever, I don’t see the appeal, seriously how the hell did that thing sold 20 million copies?
And Witcher 3, I own that game since 2019 and I regret buying it, funny thing is that I’ve finished Dragon Age 1 and 2, which are kinda same genre but I actually enjoyed those games. I guess the old BioWare sauce carried those games unlike Witcher where there’s nothing to enjoy in its massive pointless world.
More or less anything “Open World” and to an extent single player in general. I just get bored and ragequit every time mechanics stop being fun (which tends to be 15ish minutes into any session of them). TW3 is a big culprit here. I get about 2 hours in, the combat gets super clunky and I quit, coming back 3-4 years later thinking it might have changed.
I’ve been an FPS player since 2015 and that’s pretty much all I’ve played. Enjoyment in games for me comes from min/maxing a small to medium number of skills/abilities and applying them thousands of times in a similar gameplay loop. I’ve played well over 4,000 hours of apex legends alone, somewhere in the realm of 10,000 games and still could play more if the devs didn’t suck.