I didn’t know Hunter was running for office!
The funny / sad thing is that this scene is from Death to 2020 and they’re running the same playbook as they did 4 years ago.
Do they have to do anything else? Serious question.
I mean, they lost last time. One would think if you lost using a particular strategy, you should adapt and update that for the next time.
But that wouldn’t be conservatism, no?
Valid point. Not the intended result though with that strategy was it?
As with all things Conservatism/Regressivism it’s more about the comfort of doing things the same than it is about adaptation.
Well, the strategy got the incumbent out of the Whitehouse, so ::shrugs::
a write in campaign under “Biggus Dickus”. it’s so covert he doesn’t even know himself.
The GOP have convinced me. I WILL NOT VOTE for Hunter Biden for President.
Yeah, but did you hear about how Biden kept loving his son even though he struggled with and ultimately defeated addiction? So incredibly scandalous.
How dare he?!
Why can’t he have sex with a prostitute while his son’s mother is pregnant like a good Christian?
You know, with all the projection the right seems to do, I wonder what crimes Trump’s kids should be investigated for?
How about that $2 billion that trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner got from the Saudis for nuclear secrets
Oh no they’re also going to complain that Ohio will let Biden on the ballot.