GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday called the Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country.”

In response to a question about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) apparently freezing up on Wednesday while taking questions in Covington, Ky., Haley said on Fox News that the Kentucky senator has “done some great things, and he deserves credit,” but emphasized that “you have to know when to leave.”

““No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline,” Haley said. “What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country.”

    1 year ago

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Fuck Haley, but she is right about the nursing home part. But there is a fix that Americans don’t want to admit - their voting - or LACK OF voting - is what is keeping these elderly Senators in office. Of course she is an opportunist twat that is only saying this to try to hit at Biden indirectly by bringing up the age issue.

          1 year ago

          Wait, are you saying that the Democrats have been carefully sidelining, discrediting and shoving the younger members into a dark closet whenever possible? Man, sounds like we should just support the geariatrics then. No way they should get the fuck out of the way and let the popular young elected members of their party actually speak.

            1 year ago

            Your strawman is well slain. Get back to me when you have familiarized yourself with how Congress works and acquired a basic understanding of committee assignments, and how laws are passed.

            Schoolhouse Rock “I’m Just a Bill” is a great place to start. I’m not kidding. Anyone who can reductio ad absurdum what I just said into what you just wrote needs to start at the very beginning.