spicy pancake

paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • > be me
    > going thorough extremely rough time in my life, just trying to keep it together day by day
    > friend across town offers to have me over for the night so I can shower, do laundry, have a meal with him and catch up
    > nocar.jpg
    > waiting at bus stop
    > random guy in an anime tshirt and fedora is staring at me, incrementally stepping closer
    > pleasejustleavemealone.avi
    > he suddenly lunges toward me while screaming something about energy weapons
    > fuckthis.ogg
    > begin sprinting for previous bus stop, maybe i can get on the back of the bus and he won’t notice me when he gets on
    > fucking schizos

  • They probably do. Though, food industry metal detectors have to regularly be calibrated with check wands: plastic bars with very small embedded metal fragments designed to mimic possible contaminants like brush wire, oven conveyor pieces, etc.

    When I was QA at a food plant that used them, there were numerous problems with the metal detectors.

    1. Line operators were haphazardly trained on calibration and how fucking important it is to do it correctly and on time. Lots of operators rushed or skipped calibration and falsified the logs. The fact they were rushed, overworked, and underpaid didn’t help.
    2. The detectors had a high false-positive rate, leading to a “oh it’s probably nothing” attitude.
    3. Management didn’t want to spend ANY money on maintenance and upgrades that would have prevented metal contamination or decreased detection errors.

    To this day I still have a lot of anxiety eating factory food because of the nightmares I witnessed at that place…

  • Yes, but ideally there should be regulation to prevent pimping, predation, trafficking, and STI spread. At the very least, decriminalization protects sex workers from fear of prosecution preventing them from seeking healthcare, legal help, etc.

    Trafficking is heinous, but it also gets irreverantly thrown around as a whataboutism by people who are against it for personal instead of rational reasons.

    The root of the problems with sex work, as always, is tying means of survival to productivity, which I am against both personally and rationally :P