Assigned Cop At Birth
this is how I read it before someone told me the acronym
What is the acronym ?
The intended use is All Cops Are Bad.
But I never read it that way. To me it’s always, Assigned Cop At Birth.
Its intended use is “all cops are bastards”
… Which they are.
No. That is just not helpful at all and insulting to those people, who help others…
Some cops might help others as a hobby when they’re not busy, but that’s not what they’re paid for. Cops are paid primarily to enforce bourgeois property rights and maintain the government, which in much of the English speaking world is a monarchy and/or a colony. Cops are soldiers in a war against the people.
You wanna overthrow the government? This is just a stupid take
(They don’t help anyone, they enforce the law. Which is just a set of rules that the powerful enforce on the masses via the threat of violence)
Generalizations never help… There may be bad police men. In some countries more, in others less. But there are definitely many nice police men who help keeping our societies safe. There are also countries, where police is known as “your friend and helper”
You think anarchy is better?
This is just some extremist facism bullshit and stupid.
All Cats Are Beautiful
Always cringe associated buero
Always Calling Assholes Buttholes
Aristocrats cancel another buttfucking
Goddamn that’s the third time this year
The latest season of the Chameleon podcast is about undercover feds and the Whitmer kidnapping suspects. Lots of recorded audio.
Alphabet Boys is another show that investigates undercover and sting ops. Last season was about Portland 2020.
Both are excellent.